Copyright (c) 2006 by Abel P. Delgado. All rights reserved except for the letter "S" which is a copyrighted logo of Sepultura
Desgined by
Abel P. Delgado
Version 1.5 March 27, 2006, initial release
Uploaded on
December 12, 2009
There are no other fonts in this font family.
This font is free on the condition that it will be solely for personal use. For anything on the contrary I ask only that you give me credit for my work. However, donations are always
welcome! ;)
The sale or commercial use of this font without my consent is stricly prohibited.
Sepulcra, 2006 © Abel P. Delgado [Ovalum] All rights reserved; except for the letter "S" which is a copyrghted logo of Sepultura