Argentinean designer Eduardo Manso designed the Bohemia display type family in 2003. Bohemia's elegant design shows off refined letterforms that evoke the Transitional style of typeface design. The feeling given by the type is vaguely similar to faces like Baskerville, although most Baskerville revivals tend not to be as curvaceous as Manso's! Slightly condensed, with a high amount of stroke contrast, Bohemia can function well in text settings as small as 9 point. The Bohemia family can create full typographic/hierarchic systems; the family includes Regular, Bold, Italic, and Small Caps styles. This fantastic face has, with its stoic vertical axis, been catching notice: under the name Argot, the design received a Certificate of Excellence in Type Design, from the Type Directors' Club of New York. This made it one of the winners of the TDC2 2004 type design competition. Also, the typeface was selected for inclusion in the 21st International Biennale of Graphic Design 2004 in Brno, Czech Republic. Bohemia was later named one of the most relevant works in the Bienal Letras Latinas 2004, which took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, San Pablo, Brazil, Santiago, Chile, and Veracruz, Mexico. Last but not least, the globetrotting Bohemia design received one of the three first-place awards in the 2003 International Type Design Contest, sponsored by Linotype GmbH.
Desgined by
Linotype GmbH
Font Name
Bohemia LT Std Bold
Version 1.100;PS 001.001;hotconv 1.0.38
There are no other fonts in this font family.
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